Since 2020, a special investment platform we work with also accepts cryptocurrency as a deposit, but only Bitcoins. The process is identical to the Investment Package, except that the Bitcoins are deposited with the trustee and blocked on his wallet in exchange for an SKR (safe keeping receipt). The Bitcoins are lent at 60% (usually, possibly also higher), the collateral value then enters into the programme as a deposit. The latter must be at least the amount of the minimum deposit (see In-vestment Package).
The blocked Bitcoins are released in full by the trustee at the end of the programme and returned to the investor.
The special thing about this procedure is that a large number of Bitcoins can be used to generate a considerable return in common currencies ($, €), which are then in turn freely circulated and taxed as capital gains in the usual case. In countries like Monaco, where capital gains remain tax-free, this situation is almost ideal for investing in Bitcoins. As already described, these are fully available again at the end of the term.
The BTC are set at the daily rate applicable on the day of transfer to the trustee’s wallet.